Articles & Videos

I’m Considering Getting My Hip Replaced: What Should I Know?

You’ve been grappling with hip pain, stiffness, and reduced mobility that is affecting your daily life. Despite exploring nonoperative treatment options, you’ve reached a point where you can no longer take part in the activities you cherish. Whether you’re still exploring treatment options or have already decided to undergo hip replacement surgery, you’re probably thinking – Now what? What can I expect? What happens next? Learn more

Wrist Fractures: What to do and expect with a broken wrist

Broken wrists are very common and can occur at any age. Technically called a distal radius fracture, the radius (wrist bone) is one of the top five most broken bones within the body. Learn more

Hip Arthritis: What it is and what to do about it

Hip osteoarthritis occurs when cartilage is damaged within the hip joint. Cartilage, which is the connective tissue that covers the ends of the bones within your joints, helps to reduce friction between your bones and absorb shock. Learn more

Arthroscopic Ankle Arthrodesis With Bimalleolar External Fixation

Ankle arthrodesis has long been a respectable treatment option for end stage tibiotalar arthrosis in patients that have failed nonoperative treatment. A plethora of techniques for ankle fusion have been described, and arthroscopic ankle fusion has been proven to be a successful option in the appropriate patient. We present the technique of arthroscopic ankle fusion using the method of bimalleolar external fixation. Learn more


Fasciotomy is a clinical procedure indicated once the clinical diagnosis of compartment syndrome is made. This article focuses on the treatment of acute compartment syndrome. Learn more

Encyclopedia of Sports Medicine

Contributed chapters on carpal fractures, cervical and thoracic fractures, quadriceps strain, hip contusion and hip pointers.