On Wednesday, February 19 some offices are closing early due to inclement weather, including some Ortho On Call locations. If your appointment is affected, we will contact you to reschedule. We apologize for any inconvenience. Please stay safe. See affected offices

Non-operative finger fracture treatment

Often broken fingers can be treated without surgery. Once the finger is in place, a splint will hold it still. Your finger may be attached to the finger(s) next to it for extra support.

If the bones in your finger are closed to where they are supposed to be, you may have a closed reduction of your finger. If your finger doesn’t need surgery, you’ll be given a splint to wear on your finger. You may be told how to tape your finger to the finger(s) next to it for extra support.

After a few weeks you’ll come in for more x-rays to make sure that your finger is healing correctly.

If the bones in your finger aren’t where they are supposed to be, or if they don’t heal, you may need surgery.

Physicians who provide non-operative treatment for broken fingers

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